
Posted June 28, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 4 min read

We are going to acknowledge different networking concepts and know the reason behind Java being the best suitable programming language for networks, especially the internet, and the drawbacks of C/C++ languages for not being opted for the network usage.


Network means the interconnection of computers. The primary function of a network is resource sharing, which means a computer can share its resources, like data, memory, software, hardware, CPU, etc. The computer which requests for some service is called a client and the computer which provides that service to the client is called a server.

  • Hardware - Computer systems, cables, modems, hubs, satellites, NIC(network interface cards)
  • Software - Any software which supports networking features, Linux, Windows NT, UNIX, gets so that data can be sent or received.
  • Protocol - It could be defined as a standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers. It specifies a way to identify the destination and source computers and establish a connection between them to receive and send data.


The internet can be defined as the networks of all the computers existing on the earth. Not only one individual computer but also a network of computers can be connected to the internet. Intranet is the network of computers within the organization and Extranet is the network connecting an organization network with the other organization. An organization uses the service of the third-party private network to communicate with the outside networks, this third-party network is called the VAN( value-added network).

Functioning of Internet

Like other networks, the Internet also requires certain hardware, software, and protocols to perform its functions. The computer, which is connected to Internet service provider’s(ISP) computer is called the client and the ISP’s computer is called the server. Currently, millions of servers are available on internet, some servers focus on a single area like maintaining employees’ data in a company, etc, such servers are called as Application servers. Some servers focus on services completely related to the internet such as maintaining websites and communicating with clients on the internet, such servers are called Webservers.

Network Image

Protocols on Internet

http - Stands for hypertext transfer protocol which is responsible for displaying the HTML pages on the client machine when we browse the internet. This is the widely used protocol on the internet.

FTP - Stands for file transfer protocol used to download a file from the internet to your client’s machine.

SMTP - Stands for the simple mail transfer protocol used while sending the mails.

POP - Stands for post office protocol used while receiving the mails.

How Java Is Suitable For Internet?

In Java, if we write a program it is stored with the extension of. java file which contains the source code statements. Then the java compiler coverts this. java file to. class file which contains source code equivalent to byte code. As this byte code is not understandable by the microprocessor, it should be convertible to machine code. Here comes the need for JVM( java virtual machine) which converts the byte code into machine code. Now this machine code is understandable by the processor due to which it executes it and displays the result or output. So, if we write a . java program on x processor and y operating system, then that program is executable on any other computer system with any processor and operating system. This makes java programs System independent or Platform independent. C/C++ programming languages on the other hand are System and Platform Dependent as the programs in these languages cannot be executed on any other computer system with any processor and operating system which was the main drawback of C/C++ programming languages.

Since the Internet is a public network, everyone can connect their computers into the Internet and this leads to several security problems of data. Java eliminates a lot of security problems on the internet like Eavesdropping(reading others’ data illegally on internet), Impersonation(a person disguising himself as another person mainly for transactions), Virus, and Tampering(in this case the data is not only read but its modified also) making it highly suitable for the internet.

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