Single Linked List vs Doubly Linked List

Posted September 12, 2022 by Rohith and Anusha ‐ 2 min read

Both Singly linked list and Doubly linked list are the implementation of Linked list in which every element of singly-linked list contains some data and a link to the next element, which allows to keep the structure. On the other hand, every node in a doubly-linked list also contains a link to the previous node.

The following are the important differences between a Singly linked list and Doubly linked list.

KeySingly linked listDoubly linked list
ComplexityIn singly linked list the complexity of insertion and deletion at a known position is O(n)In case od doubly linked list the complexity of insertion and deletion at a known position is O(1)
Internal implementationIn singly linked list implementation is such as where the node contains some data and a pointer to the next node in the listWhile doubly linked list has some more complex implementation where the node contains some data and a pointer to the next as well as the previous node in the list
Order of elementsSingly linked list allows traversal elements only in one way.Doubly linked list allows element two way traversal.
UsageSingly linked list are generally used for implementation of stacksOn other hand doubly linked list can be used to implement stacks as well as heaps and binary trees.
Index performanceSingly linked list is preferred when we need to save memory and searching is not required as pointer of single index is stored.If we need better performance while searching and memory is not a limitation in this case doubly linked list is more preferred.
Memory consumptionAs singly linked list store pointer of only one node so consumes lesser memory.On other hand Doubly linked list uses more memory per node(two pointers).
quick-references blog single-linked-list doubly-linked-list differences

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