
Comments In Dart

Comments are the set of statements that are ignored by the Dart compiler during the program execution. It is used to enhance the readability of the source code. Generally, comments give a brief idea of code that what is happening in the code.

dart programming flutter

Types of Data Structures

Data structures are an integral part of computers used for the arrangement of data in memory. They are essential and responsible for organizing, processing, accessing, and storing data efficiently.

Posted September 26, 2022 by Anusha and Rohith ‐ 5 min read

data-structures algorithms programming types-of-data-structures dsa

Keywords in Dart

Dart Keywords are the reserve words that have special meaning for the compiler. It cannot be used as the variable name, class name, or function name. Keywords are case sensitive they must be written as they are defined.

dart programming flutter

Typescript for Rescue

To avoid uninvited errors and spending hours in debugging issue, comes typescript for rescue.

Posted August 25, 2022 by Rohith and Anusha ‐ 3 min read

typescript programming

Data Types in Dart

The data types are the most important fundamental features of programing language. In Dart, the data type of the variable is defined by its value. The variables are used to store values and reserve the memory location.

dart programming flutter data-types

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