Core Java
Operators In Java
A programmer generally wants to do some operations in a program. To do so programmer needs some operators to carry out those operations in the program. An operator is a symbol that performs an operation. Operator acts on some variables, called operands to get the desired result.
Initial Steps Towards Java
Before starting with how to write or steps to write a java program, we should initially know about the comments used while writing a program. Comments are description about the features of a program which means that whatever we write in a program should be described using comments. When we write comments, we can understand what the program is doing as well as it helps others to easily follow our code.
Control Statements In Java
Statements in java generally contain expression and end with a semi-colon.The two most important statements in java are 'sequential statements' and 'control statements'. These statements are executed by JVM one by one in a sequential manner hence they are called as sequential statements. If we want to write better and complex programs, we bette control on the flow of execution and this is possible by using control statements.
Arrays In Java
An array is a container object that can hold a fixed number of values of a single type and the length of an array is established when the array is created. After creation, the length assigned to an array is fixed. An array can also be described as a collection of similar types of data. The advantage of using an array is that they simplify programming by replacing a lot of statements by just one or two statements. Arrays are created on dynamic memory by JVM.
Strings in Java
Most of the data that transmits on internet is in the form of groups of characters, such group of characters are called strings. A string represents a group of characters. In java, string is an object of string class and not a character array as inn case of c/c++ programming languages.