Linux & Administration
Advanced Filters
In Linux, filters are used to project interested text from one or more files, process the text, and manipulate the selected text files. Filters are frequently used by admins and developers to scan and filter the logs and edit files in remote server through CLI.
Linking Files
Linux system allows you to have a file known by more than one name, while maintaining a single copy in the disk. Files are linked with ln command , which takes two filename as arguments.
Linux Processes
A process is a program or a task which is in the state of execution. When you open a application like `Chrome`, `VSCode`, etc., the operating system creates a process. The running processes can be viewed from the command line using simple commands like `ps`.
Mail In Linux
In Multi-user system, it is often necessary for one user to know what the other is doing. When there are a hundred odd users sharing the system resources, some of them are invariably located quite a distance apart. Communication through the system seems quite natural and necessary the system administrator also requires sending messages to some, and sometimes to all of them.
Shell Programming
The shell is an intermediary program, which interprets the commands that are typed at the terminal, and translates them into commands that the kernel understands.