Delete vs Truncate
Both the Truncate statement and the Delete statement are included in the category of SQL queries for deleting the data stored in a table. They carry out deletion operations on records or rows of a table that are no longer needed.
Posted September 12, 2022 by Rohith ‐ 2 min read
Linear Search vs Binary Search
Linear search is a search that finds an element in the list by searching the element sequentially until the element is found in the list. On the other hand, a binary search is a search that finds the middle element in the list recursively until the middle element is matched with a searched element.
Posted September 12, 2022 by Rohith and Anusha ‐ 2 min read
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Tree vs Graph
A tree is a non-linear data structure that represents the hierarchy. A tree is a collection of nodes that are linked together to form a hierarchy. A graph is like a tree data structure is a collection of objects or entities known as nodes that are connected to each other through a set of edges. A tree follows some rule that determines the relationship between the nodes, whereas graph does not follow any rule that defines the relationship among the nodes. A graph contains a set of edges and nodes, and edges can connect the nodes in any possible way.
Posted September 10, 2022 by Rohith and Anusha ‐ 2 min read
Stack vs Array
Stack is a linear data structure that appears like a list. A stack appears like a sequential collection of constituting elements. Array is also a linear data structure that consists of a collection of various elements that have the same data type. An array’s size is pre-decided. It stores all the values at a location known as the index of values.
Posted September 10, 2022 by Rohith and Anusha ‐ 2 min read
Source Code vs Object Code
ource Code is an assembly code or a high-level code- that a programmer generates (human-generated code). These types are comparatively very easy to read as well as modify. Object Code is a machine-understandable one. An object code comprises various low-level codes- that a translator or compiler generates from the source code.
Posted September 10, 2022 by Rohith ‐ 2 min read